Sunday, November 12, 2006

Tea Time

In our rush to fight obesity and find healthy cheap alternatives, one very powerful solution has been overlooked; tea.

This simple, low (or no) calorie beverage is an incredibly cheap simple alternative to soft drinks, expensive coffees, and alcoholic beverages. If you take a can of pop (180 calories or 2 miles walked) and compare that to the zero calories in a cup of tea, you are almost prepared to accept the calories from a few dollops of cream.

I was surprised to learn that so many places carry tea. In fact the staff at the theatre where I saw my last movie, was also surprised to learn they serve tea. The beauty of tea is that it stays fresh (when dry) for much longer than coffee. Where as the chic of coffee is now in the fresh grind, the humble tea bag can sit on the shelf for months before being called upon. At $1.50 for a cup, it is an incredible bargain. Even the high end coffee places will sell you exotic (caffeine free) herb teas for the same price.

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